Climate Change

Climate change poses significant human, environmental, economic, and societal risks. Global climate patterns have changed fundamentally and the impacts are now being felt in Australia and across the world.

Climate threats are present at the national, state, and local level, we’re already seeing this through more frequent, or more extreme events such as bushfires, floods, cyclones and droughts. Ongoing impacts will threaten our food systems, access to water and way of life for all Tasmanians.

It is essential that all levels of government work together to help reduce the impacts of climate change and to build resilient communities.

Tasmanian councils have already undertaken a number of initiatives to reduce emissions. Many councils use renewable energy sources, for example the Doone Kennedy Hobart Aquatic Centre has over 1500 solar panels installed. Through street lighting bulk changeovers Tasmanian councils have saved an estimated 800 tCO2e per year, which is the equivalent of taking around 7,000 cars off the road for 20 years.

Tasmanian councils collaborate on improving resilience to climate change through regional alliances. They have also participated in the Tasmanian Government’s Climate Resilient Councils project that analysed Tasmania’s councils to better understand how they consider climate-related risk in strategic planning processes, financial decision making and associated governance arrangements.

Did you know?

Fact 1

The average annual temperature has increased by 1.1 °C in Tasmania since 1910.

Fact 2

Preventing the impacts of climate change saves lives and communities. The upgraded Launceston flood levy prevented losses of about $216 million had the old system failed – this is approximately four times what the investment in the new system was.

Fact 3

The number of days with dangerous weather conditions for bushfires has increased across Tasmania – with around 40% more very high fire danger days.

LGAT's Role

We are working in collaboration with councils and the Tasmanian Government on a statewide local government climate capability program. This program is being co-designed with Tasmanian councils to ensure it is tailored, effective and supported and leverages the extensive work undertaken already by councils and regional alliances. The program will facilitate knowledge and capacity-building activities to support the sector to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience to the impacts of a changing climate.

We have previously has advocated on behalf of Tasmanian councils to the Federal and State Governments to recognise the urgency posed by human-induced climate change and to facilitate emergency action.

In 2020 LGAT undertook a Local Government Climate Change Survey to learn more about councils’ achievements in addressing climate change, any further planned work and where more work could be done, either in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions or adapting to the impacts of climate change. We have also engaged with the State Government on the review of Tasmania’s Climate Change (State Action) Act 2008 and the development of Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2023-25.


Northern Tasmanian Alliance for Resilient Councils
Southern Tasmanian Councils Authority and Regional Climate Change Initiative
Cradle Coast Authority

Climate Change Office, Renewables Climate and Future Industries Tasmania