Peak Bodies Shared Statement for Engagement and Recovery

Published 27th August 2020
Tasmanian Peak Bodies Agree Principles for Engagement on Recovery and Rebuilding

Peak Bodies Agree Principles for Engagement on Recovery and Rebuilding

LGAT has joined forces with 10 other Tasmanian Peak bodies to develop a shared statement of intention for engaging Tasmanians in recovery and rebuilding.  Collectively this group of peak bodies represents the majority of Tasmanians and are committed to supporting individuals and communities as we response to COVID 19 and into the future.

We want all Tasmanians to have the same opportunities to rebuild and believe this is critical to achieving that is conversations and solutions that are tailored for diverse communities. Engagement with Tasmanians must consider barriers to participation and there should be open and transparent sharing of data between Governments, peak bodies and other stakeholders.

A copy of this Statement has been provided to the Premier and the Premier’s Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Committee with the view seeking their commitment to these principles and to broaden understanding of the way in which peak bodies can support recovery processes; including using our extensive networks into communities to facilitate engagement.

The statement can be read here.