Clarence City Council - I CAN Radio Program

The ‘Clarence Access Network’ (CAN) Forum, an initiative of the Clarence City Council, aims to bring together the stories, experiences, and voices of disability. With support from Hobart FM, the Forum is bringing together a radio program titled ‘I CAN!’ to hear powerful people with disability sharing their experiences of making a difference in the community.

In collaboration with Disability Voices Tasmania, the Tasmanian Health Service, Job Life Employment, At Work Australia, Rural Alive and Well Tasmania, the Tasmanian Department of Communities (Sport and Recreation), and NDIS Mission Australia – the radio program give a space for guest speakers to share their stories on disability from a range of different perspectives and situations.

The radio series brings together the voices of people from different backgrounds across eight weeks as they share their lived experiences of making a difference in employment, sport, housing, inclusive communities and much more. The conversations are intended to open up discourse between people, highlighting the often isolated and disconnected nature of disability, disenfranchisement, access, and isolation. By encouraging open discussion of these subjects, and hearing peoples’ experiences, the ‘I CAN!’ radio program aims to increase awareness whilst making a difference in our communities.

The CAN Forum is a component of the Clarence City Council’s ‘Access Plan 2014-2018’ which commits to providing an accessible and inclusive community in Clarence where people of all ages and abilities can reach their full potential. The council is currently engaged in consultation and development for the 2020-2024 Access and Inclusion Strategy which will build upon the success of the last six years. More can be read about access and inclusion in Clarence here.

The ‘I CAN!’ program airs on Hobart FM Thursdays at 10.30am from late October and will continue through to December 17th – a complete schedule of the program can be found at: